Your name in chinese Ken Nathaniel
How is Ken Nathaniel written in chinese?
Ken Nathaniel in simplified chinese:
Ken Nathaniel in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Ken Nathaniel in chinese?
Ken Nathaniel transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Ken Nathaniel in chinese:
Picture of the name Ken Nathaniel in chinese:

Meaning of Ken Nathaniel characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
肯 | willing; consent to, permit |
纳 | admit, take, receive, accept |
撒 | release, cast away, let go; disperse; relax |
尼 | Buddhist nun; transliteration |
尔 | you; that, those; final particle |
Example sentences that contain Ken Nathaniel in chinese:
Ken Nathaniel wants to go to Peru
Ken Nathaniel is studying italian
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Lillianna | 莉莉安娜 |
Gala | 卡拉 |
Evija | 埃维娅 |
Alixya | 阿利西娅 |
Fu Xiang | 傅翔 |
Laina | 莱娜 |
Alvan | 阿尔万 |
Tome | 对我来说 |
Jasim | 贾西姆 |
Ofori | 奥福里 |