Your name in chinese Kenchie
How is Kenchie written in chinese?
Kenchie in simplified chinese:
Kenchie in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Kenchie in chinese?
Kenchie transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Kenchie in chinese:
Picture of the name Kenchie in chinese:

Meaning of Kenchie characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
肯 | willing; consent to, permit |
奇 | strange, unusual, uncanny, occult |
Example sentences that contain Kenchie in chinese:
Kenchie wants to go to USA
Kenchie is studying spanish
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Anthonio | 安东尼奥 |
Guislaine | 吉斯兰 |
Naythalivi | 奈塔利维 |
Fizza | 菲扎 |
Linda | 美丽 |
Jannier | 詹尼尔 |
Tiana | 蒂安娜 |
Hilya | 希利亚 |
Sybilla | 西比拉 |
Yeni | 耶尼 |