Your name in chinese Kent Olivera

How is Kent Olivera written in chinese?

Kent Olivera in simplified chinese:


Kent Olivera in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Kent Olivera in chinese?

Kent Olivera transcribed to pinyin:

kěn tè ào lì wéi lā

Pronunciation of Kent Olivera in chinese:

Picture of the name Kent Olivera in chinese:

The name Kent Olivera in chinese characters

Meaning of Kent Olivera characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
willing; consent to, permit
special, unique, distinguished
mysterious, obscure, profound
gains, advantage, profit, merit
maintain, preserve, safeguard
pull, drag; seize, hold; lengthen

Example sentences that contain Kent Olivera in chinese:

Kent Olivera has given two watches a Kirsten


kěntèàolìwéilā gěi jīěrsīdùn sòngle liǎng ge shǒubiǎo

Kent Olivera's favorite fruit is the handle


kěntèàolìwéilā zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì mángguǒ

Kent Olivera now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

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