Your name in chinese Kerent

How is Kerent written in chinese?

Kerent in simplified chinese:


Kerent in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Kerent in chinese?

Kerent transcribed to pinyin:

kè lún tè

Pronunciation of Kerent in chinese:

Picture of the name Kerent in chinese:

The name Kerent in chinese characters

Meaning of Kerent characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
gram; overcome; transliteration
normal human relationships
special, unique, distinguished

Example sentences that contain Kerent in chinese:

Kerent's favorite color is pink


kèlúntè zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì fěnsè

Kerent wants to go to Mexico


kèlúntè xiǎng qù mòxīgē

Kerent now also in japanese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Kerent in japanese!

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Miembro 米布罗
Zaen 赞恩
Cica 西卡
Sunie 苏涅
Tarasenko 塔拉森科
Suyeon 秀妍
Aavaideep 阿瓦迪普
Immaculada 完美无瑕
Tehreem 特里姆
Milu 米卢

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