Your name in chinese Kian Tuan

How is Kian Tuan written in chinese?

Kian Tuan in simplified chinese:


Kian Tuan in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Kian Tuan in chinese?

Kian Tuan transcribed to pinyin:

jiàn tuán

Pronunciation of Kian Tuan in chinese:

Picture of the name Kian Tuan in chinese:

The name Kian Tuan in chinese characters

Meaning of Kian Tuan characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
build, establish, erect, found
sphere, ball, circle; mass, lump

Example sentences that contain Kian Tuan in chinese:

Kian Tuan's favorite color is blue


jiàntuán zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì lánsè

Kian Tuan wants to go to Spain


jiàntuán xiǎng qù xībānyá

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Donat 多纳特
Dimitrius 迪米特里乌斯
Peace 和平
Soner 声纳
Jose Pascual 何塞·帕斯夸尔
Juan Andres 胡安·安德烈斯
Meika 梅卡
Luiz 路易斯
Alberto Javier 阿尔贝托·哈维尔
Ainara 爱那拉

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