Your name in chinese Kim Pil Sung

How is Kim Pil Sung written in chinese?

Kim Pil Sung in simplified chinese:


Kim Pil Sung in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Kim Pil Sung in chinese?

Kim Pil Sung transcribed to pinyin:

jīn bì chéng

Pronunciation of Kim Pil Sung in chinese:

Picture of the name Kim Pil Sung in chinese:

The name Kim Pil Sung in chinese characters

Meaning of Kim Pil Sung characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
gold; metals in general; money
surely, most certainly; must
completed, finished, fixed

Example sentences that contain Kim Pil Sung in chinese:

Kim Pil Sung wants to go to Mexico


jīnbìchéng xiǎng qù mòxīgē

Kim Pil Sung's favorite color is green


jīnbìchéng zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì lǜsè

Kim Pil Sung now also in japanese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Kim Pil Sung in japanese!

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
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Summer Leya 夏乐雅
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Midori 绿
Aliana 艾莉安娜
Chapie 查皮
Sofya 索菲亚
Edgard 埃德加

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