Your name in chinese Kindness
How is Kindness written in chinese?
Kindness in simplified chinese:
Kindness in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Kindness in chinese?
Kindness transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Kindness in chinese:
Picture of the name Kindness in chinese:

Meaning of Kindness characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
善 | good, virtuous, charitable, kind |
良 | good, virtuous, respectable |
Example sentences that contain Kindness in chinese:
Kindness wants to go to Russia
Kindness has given nine dogs a Claret
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Kofta | 科夫塔 |
Felisha | 费利沙 |
Maxime | 马克西姆 |
Lual | 卢尔 |
Micaella | 米凯拉 |
Teodoro | 西奥多 |
Eduwigis | 埃杜维吉斯 |
Waisrii | 怀斯里 |
Razel | 拉泽尔 |
Wladyslaw | 瓦迪斯瓦夫 |