Your name in chinese Kindness

How is Kindness written in chinese?

Kindness in simplified chinese:


Kindness in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Kindness in chinese?

Kindness transcribed to pinyin:

shàn liáng

Pronunciation of Kindness in chinese:

Picture of the name Kindness in chinese:

The name Kindness in chinese characters

Meaning of Kindness characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
good, virtuous, charitable, kind
good, virtuous, respectable

Example sentences that contain Kindness in chinese:

Kindness wants to go to Russia


shànliáng xiǎng qù éguó

Kindness has given nine dogs a Claret


shànliáng gěi hóngpútáojiǔ sòngle jiǔ zhī gǒu

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Kofta 科夫塔
Felisha 费利沙
Maxime 马克西姆
Lual 卢尔
Micaella 米凯拉
Teodoro 西奥多
Eduwigis 埃杜维吉斯
Waisrii 怀斯里
Razel 拉泽尔
Wladyslaw 瓦迪斯瓦夫

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