Your name in chinese King Herald
How is King Herald written in chinese?
King Herald in simplified chinese:
King Herald in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce King Herald in chinese?
King Herald transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of King Herald in chinese:
Picture of the name King Herald in chinese:

Meaning of King Herald characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
国 | nation, country, nation-state |
王 | king, ruler; royal; surname |
先 | first, former, previous |
驱 | spur a horse on; expel, drive away |
Example sentences that contain King Herald in chinese:
King Herald's friend has eight televisions
King Herald and Hoop are very good friends
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Mei Lan | 美兰 |
Xiang Shuxian | 向淑贤 |
Miguel Angel | 米格尔·天使 |
Gladys | 格拉迪斯 |
Oshiro | 大城 |
Luz Elena | 卢兹埃琳娜 |
Yazmin | 亚兹敏 |
Rosenda | 罗森达 |
Peinila | 佩尼拉 |
Araceli | 阿拉塞利 |