Your name in chinese King Herald

How is King Herald written in chinese?

King Herald in simplified chinese:


King Herald in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce King Herald in chinese?

King Herald transcribed to pinyin:

guó wáng xiān qū

Pronunciation of King Herald in chinese:

Picture of the name King Herald in chinese:

The name King Herald in chinese characters

Meaning of King Herald characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
nation, country, nation-state
king, ruler; royal; surname
first, former, previous
spur a horse on; expel, drive away

Example sentences that contain King Herald in chinese:

King Herald's friend has eight televisions


guówángxiānqū de péngyǒu yǒu bā tái diànshì

King Herald and Hoop are very good friends


guówángxiānqū hé gū shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Mei Lan 美兰
Xiang Shuxian 向淑贤
Miguel Angel 米格尔·天使
Gladys 格拉迪斯
Oshiro 大城
Luz Elena 卢兹埃琳娜
Yazmin 亚兹敏
Rosenda 罗森达
Peinila 佩尼拉
Araceli 阿拉塞利

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