Your name in chinese Kinta
How is Kinta written in chinese?
Kinta in simplified chinese:
Kinta in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Kinta in chinese?
Kinta transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Kinta in chinese:
Picture of the name Kinta in chinese:

Meaning of Kinta characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
金 | gold; metals in general; money |
塔 | tower, spire, tall building |
Example sentences that contain Kinta in chinese:
Kinta's favorite fruit is the handle
Kinta wants to go to Japan
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Nene | 内内 |
Wang Hui Mei | 王惠妹 |
Sore | 疮 |
Luis Julian | 路易斯·朱利安 |
Maria Milagros | 玛丽亚·米拉格罗斯 |
Scarleth | 斯嘉丽丝 |
Aundrei | 奥德雷 |
Frederico | 弗雷德里科 |
Celedonia | 塞莱多尼亚 |
Aelys | 艾莉丝 |