Your name in chinese Kinzo
How is Kinzo written in chinese?
Kinzo in simplified chinese:
Kinzo in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Kinzo in chinese?
Kinzo transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Kinzo in chinese:
Picture of the name Kinzo in chinese:

Meaning of Kinzo characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
金 | gold; metals in general; money |
佐 | assist, aid, second; subordinate |
Example sentences that contain Kinzo in chinese:
Kinzo's favorite fruit is the apple
Kinzo has given five trees a Ratnesh
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Maria Violeta | 玛丽亚·维奥莱塔 |
Keyller | 凯勒 |
Thia | 蒂亚 |
Cattleya | 卡特兰 |
Keiran | 凯兰 |
Symphony | 交响乐 |
Nanahi | 七日 |
Ashuri | 阿苏里 |
Henok | 汉诺克 |
Franzx | 弗朗兹 |