Your name in chinese Kirita

How is Kirita written in chinese?

Kirita in simplified chinese:


Kirita in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Kirita in chinese?

Kirita transcribed to pinyin:

tóng tián

Pronunciation of Kirita in chinese:

Picture of the name Kirita in chinese:

The name Kirita in chinese characters

Meaning of Kirita characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
name applied various trees
field, arable land, cultivated

Example sentences that contain Kirita in chinese:

Kirita's favorite color is pink


tóngtián zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì fěnsè

Kirita has given seven cats a Janire


tóngtián gěi jiǎníěr sòngle qī zhī māo

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Kaizen 改善
Edward 爱德华
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John Whitehead 约翰怀特黑德
Damla 达姆拉
Derik 德里克
Najat 纳杰特
Juan Luna 胡安·卢纳
Adnan 阿德南

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