Your name in chinese Kiyomizu

How is Kiyomizu written in chinese?

Kiyomizu in simplified chinese:


Kiyomizu in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Kiyomizu in chinese?

Kiyomizu transcribed to pinyin:

qīng shuǐ

Pronunciation of Kiyomizu in chinese:

Picture of the name Kiyomizu in chinese:

The name Kiyomizu in chinese characters

Meaning of Kiyomizu characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
clear, pure, clean; peaceful
water, liquid, lotion, juice

Example sentences that contain Kiyomizu in chinese:

Kiyomizu is studying italian


qīngshuǐ zhèngzài xuéxí yìdàlìwén

Kiyomizu wants to go to Japan


qīngshuǐ xiǎng qù rìběn

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Bheneer Gloria 拜尼尔格洛丽亚
Sylis 赛利斯
Muffin 松饼
De La Fuenrte 德拉富恩特
Sellers 卖家
Annalena 安娜莱娜
Shardae 沙代
Eternal Sleep 永恒的睡眠
Alizabella 阿里扎贝拉

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