Your name in chinese Kokushibo

How is Kokushibo written in chinese?

Kokushibo in simplified chinese:


Kokushibo in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Kokushibo in chinese?

Kokushibo transcribed to pinyin:

guó zhì bǎo

Pronunciation of Kokushibo in chinese:

Picture of the name Kokushibo in chinese:

The name Kokushibo in chinese characters

Meaning of Kokushibo characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
nation, country, nation-state
purpose, will, determination; annals
protect, safeguard, defend, care

Example sentences that contain Kokushibo in chinese:

Kokushibo wants to go to Argentina


guózhìbǎo xiǎng qù āgēntíng

Kokushibo is studying japanese


guózhìbǎo zhèngzài xuéxí rìyǔ

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Carlos Enrique 卡洛斯·恩里克
Jesus Ramon 耶稣拉蒙
Aldi 阿尔迪
Pinja 品佳
Frynkan 弗林坎
Mon Tan 蒙丹
Zofia 佐菲亚
Kenya 肯尼亚
Celina 塞丽娜
Gihane 吉哈内

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