Your name in chinese Kokushibou
How is Kokushibou written in chinese?
Kokushibou in simplified chinese:
Kokushibou in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Kokushibou in chinese?
Kokushibou transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Kokushibou in chinese:
Picture of the name Kokushibou in chinese:

Meaning of Kokushibou characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
国 | nation, country, nation-state |
志 | purpose, will, determination; annals |
保 | protect, safeguard, defend, care |
Example sentences that contain Kokushibou in chinese:
Kokushibou's friend has three cars
Kokushibou and Abbas are very good friends
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Varden | 瓦尔登 |
Walter Aracena | 沃尔特·阿拉塞纳 |
Jordina | 乔迪娜 |
Hadler | 哈德勒 |
Leidenschaft | 莱登沙夫特 |
Carl | 卡尔 |
Ralyeane | 瑞安 |
Keith Raquipo | 基思·拉基波 |
Popo | 波波 |
Itsel | 伊塞尔 |