Your name in chinese Kolin

How is Kolin written in chinese?

Kolin in simplified chinese:


Kolin in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Kolin in chinese?

Kolin transcribed to pinyin:

kē lín

Pronunciation of Kolin in chinese:

Picture of the name Kolin in chinese:

The name Kolin in chinese characters

Meaning of Kolin characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
axe-handle; stalk, bough; surname
forest, grove; surname

Example sentences that contain Kolin in chinese:

Kolin is studying english


kēlín zhèngzài xuéxí yīngyǔ

Kolin's friend has three books


kēlín de péngyǒu yǒu sān běn shū

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Ulyses 尤利西斯
Chaos 混乱
Lajos 拉霍斯
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Dany 丹妮
Neus 诺伊斯
Rosalie 罗莎莉
Salah Edine 萨拉赫·埃丁
Mayor 市长

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