Your name in chinese Kook Choy
How is Kook Choy written in chinese?
Kook Choy in simplified chinese:
Kook Choy in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Kook Choy in chinese?
Kook Choy transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Kook Choy in chinese:
Picture of the name Kook Choy in chinese:

Meaning of Kook Choy characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
郭 | outer part (of a city); surname |
崔 | high, lofty, towering; surname |
Example sentences that contain Kook Choy in chinese:
Kook Choy's favorite color is red
Kook Choy's friend has nine cats
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Yarette | 亚雷特 |
Renskey | 伦斯基 |
Amren | 阿姆伦 |
Lea | 读 |
Atiga | 阿蒂加 |
Ana Dolores | 安娜·多洛雷斯 |
Ka Yee | 嘉仪 |
Jehan | 杰汉 |
Uche | 乌切 |
Jamilly | 贾米莉 |