Your name in chinese Kule

How is Kule written in chinese?

Kule in simplified chinese:


Kule in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Kule in chinese?

Kule transcribed to pinyin:

kù lè

Pronunciation of Kule in chinese:

Picture of the name Kule in chinese:

The name Kule in chinese characters

Meaning of Kule characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
strong, stimulating; very
happy, glad; enjoyable; music

Example sentences that contain Kule in chinese:

Kule has given ten cars a Letitcia


kùlè gěi láidìqià sòngle shí liàng chē

Kule is studying french


kùlè zhèngzài xuéxí fǎwén

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
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Murcia 穆尔西亚
Orpy Rublico 奥比·鲁布里科
Tulio 图里奥
Hal 哈尔
Napaa 纳帕
Duvan 杜万
Jihua 季华
Demi Muller 黛米穆勒
Anthony Emanuel 安东尼·伊曼纽尔

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