Your name in chinese Kwun
How is Kwun written in chinese?
Kwun in simplified chinese:
Kwun in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Kwun in chinese?
Kwun transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Kwun in chinese:
Picture of the name Kwun in chinese:

Meaning of Kwun characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
坤 | earth; feminine, female |
Example sentences that contain Kwun in chinese:
Kwun's favorite color is white
Kwun is studying chinese
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Placido | 朴实 |
Nikoleta | 尼科莱塔 |
Melle | 梅勒 |
Johane | 约翰 |
Alusine | 阿鲁辛 |
Dhory | 多里 |
Xian Le | 贤乐 |
Staudt | 施陶特 |
Jessica Carolina | 杰西卡卡罗莱纳 |
Paityn | 派恩 |