Your name in chinese Kwun Leung

How is Kwun Leung written in chinese?

Kwun Leung in simplified chinese:


Kwun Leung in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Kwun Leung in chinese?

Kwun Leung transcribed to pinyin:

liáng kūn

Pronunciation of Kwun Leung in chinese:

Picture of the name Kwun Leung in chinese:

The name Kwun Leung in chinese characters

Meaning of Kwun Leung characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
bridge; beam; rafters; surname
earth; feminine, female

Example sentences that contain Kwun Leung in chinese:

Kwun Leung wants to go to Japan


liángkūn xiǎng qù rìběn

Kwun Leung is studying chinese


liángkūn zhèngzài xuéxí zhōngwén

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Cinthya 辛西亚
Taehyung 泰亨
Merry Joy 快乐的喜悦
Wilian 威廉
Jakeline 杰克琳
Escuela 埃斯库埃拉
Uglesa 乌格莱萨
Aquilino 阿奎琳
Khaye 凯耶
Erza 艾尔莎

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