Your name in chinese Laili

How is Laili written in chinese?

Laili in simplified chinese:


Laili in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Laili in chinese?

Laili transcribed to pinyin:

lái lì

Pronunciation of Laili in chinese:

Picture of the name Laili in chinese:

The name Laili in chinese characters

Meaning of Laili characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
come, coming; return, returning
beautiful, magnificent, elegant

Example sentences that contain Laili in chinese:

Laili's favorite fruit is the apple


láilì zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì píngguǒ

Laili has given two trees a Francisco Enrique


láilì gěi fúlǎngxīsīkē·ēnlǐkè sòngle liǎng kē shù

Laili now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Shielo 希洛
Nengko 能科
Ramazan 斋月
Naemi 奈米
Beto 将要
Danny Nguyen 丹尼·阮
Elliette 艾丽特
Neive 内维
Tehreem 特里姆
Luzdivina 神灯

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