Your name in chinese Lauriane Voiron

How is Lauriane Voiron written in chinese?

Lauriane Voiron in simplified chinese:


Lauriane Voiron in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Lauriane Voiron in chinese?

Lauriane Voiron transcribed to pinyin:

láo lì ān · wò lóng

Pronunciation of Lauriane Voiron in chinese:

Picture of the name Lauriane Voiron in chinese:

The name Lauriane Voiron in chinese characters

Meaning of Lauriane Voiron characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
labor, toil, do manual work
beautiful, magnificent, elegant
peaceful, tranquil, quiet
· Meaning not available
water, irrigate; fertile, rich
dragon; symbolic of emperor

Example sentences that contain Lauriane Voiron in chinese:

Lauriane Voiron wants to go to USA


láolìān·wòlóng xiǎng qù měiguó

Lauriane Voiron and Nicoel are very good friends


láolìān·wòlóng hé níkēěr shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

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Choy Koo 崔九
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Lyvia 莉维亚

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