Your name in chinese Leasia

How is Leasia written in chinese?

Leasia in simplified chinese:


Leasia in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Leasia in chinese?

Leasia transcribed to pinyin:

lì xī yà

Pronunciation of Leasia in chinese:

Picture of the name Leasia in chinese:

The name Leasia in chinese characters

Meaning of Leasia characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
white jasmine
西 west(ern); westward, occident
Asia; second

Example sentences that contain Leasia in chinese:

Leasia is studying spanish


lìxīyà zhèngzài xuéxí xībānyáyǔ

Leasia's friend has four bikes


lìxīyà de péngyǒu yǒu sì liàng zìxíngchē

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Maisie 麦西
Brigitte 布里吉特
Dalaham 达拉罕
Geraud 杰罗
Anil 阿尼尔
Anne Cecile 安妮·塞西尔
Jovana 约瓦娜
Jazly 爵士乐
Shagitha 沙吉塔
Deva 德瓦

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