Your name in chinese Leo Kohlhepp

How is Leo Kohlhepp written in chinese?

Leo Kohlhepp in simplified chinese:


Leo Kohlhepp in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Leo Kohlhepp in chinese?

Leo Kohlhepp transcribed to pinyin:

lǐ ào · kē ěr hè pǔ

Pronunciation of Leo Kohlhepp in chinese:

Picture of the name Leo Kohlhepp in chinese:

The name Leo Kohlhepp in chinese characters

Meaning of Leo Kohlhepp characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
unit of distance; village; lane
mysterious, obscure, profound
· Meaning not available
section, department, science
you; that, those; final particle
bright, radiant, glowing
universal, general, widespread

Example sentences that contain Leo Kohlhepp in chinese:

Leo Kohlhepp's friend has five trees


lǐào·kēěrhèpǔ de péngyǒu yǒu wǔ kē shù

Leo Kohlhepp has given five trees a Lhea


lǐào·kēěrhèpǔ gěi láiyà sòngle wǔ kē shù

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

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Amily 艾米丽
Solenne 索伦
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Igna 伊格纳
Victoriano 维多利亚时代
Nurefsan 努雷夫桑

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