Your name in chinese Librado

How is Librado written in chinese?

Librado in simplified chinese:


Librado in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Librado in chinese?

Librado transcribed to pinyin:

tiān chèng zuò

Pronunciation of Librado in chinese:

Picture of the name Librado in chinese:

The name Librado in chinese characters

Meaning of Librado characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
sky, heaven; god, celestial
balance, scale, steelyard
seat; stand, base

Example sentences that contain Librado in chinese:

Librado's favorite color is pink


tiānchèngzuò zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì fěnsè

Librado and Anwar Jamal are very good friends


tiānchèngzuò hé ānwǎěrjiǎmǎěr shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Librado now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Ealaa 艾拉
Elki 埃尔基
Enoch 以诺
Eldrick 埃尔德里克
Paige 佩姬
Yhan Alazo 扬·阿拉佐
Cheryn 雪莲
Piyal Sindhiya 皮亚尔辛迪亚
Milhan 米尔汉

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