Your name in chinese Limbert

How is Limbert written in chinese?

Limbert in simplified chinese:


Limbert in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Limbert in chinese?

Limbert transcribed to pinyin:

lín bó tè

Pronunciation of Limbert in chinese:

Picture of the name Limbert in chinese:

The name Limbert in chinese characters

Meaning of Limbert characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
forest, grove; surname
the eldest of the brothers, uncle, count
special, unique, distinguished

Example sentences that contain Limbert in chinese:

Limbert's friend has seven cars


línbótè de péngyǒu yǒu qī liàng chē

Limbert has given seven cars a Seby


línbótè gěi sāibǐ sòngle qī liàng chē

Limbert now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Marie Martine 玛丽·马丁
Poarch 波奇
Sevrin 塞夫林
Arkady 阿尔卡季
Joost 约斯特
Luis Adrian 路易斯·阿德里安
Tena 特纳
Savimbi 萨文比
Tramel 特拉梅尔
Pete 皮特

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