Your name in chinese Lingxin
How is Lingxin written in chinese?
Lingxin in simplified chinese:
Lingxin in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Lingxin in chinese?
Lingxin transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Lingxin in chinese:
Picture of the name Lingxin in chinese:

Meaning of Lingxin characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
凌 | pure; virtuous; insult; maltreat |
欣 | happy, joyous, delighted |
Example sentences that contain Lingxin in chinese:
Lingxin's friend has seven trees
Lingxin wants to go to Peru
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Nino | 尼诺 |
Mirajane | 米拉珍 |
Oma | 大间 |
Rashod | 拉肖德 |
Henk | 亨克 |
Laxah | 拉克萨 |
Thor Erik | 雷神埃里克 |
Mikiyas | 三木屋 |
Rahman | 拉赫曼 |
Strong | 强的 |