Your name in chinese Liu Bao
How is Liu Bao written in chinese?
Liu Bao in simplified chinese:
Liu Bao in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Liu Bao in chinese?
Liu Bao transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Liu Bao in chinese:
Picture of the name Liu Bao in chinese:

Meaning of Liu Bao characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
刘 | surname; kill, destroy |
宝 | treasure, jewel; precious, rare |
Example sentences that contain Liu Bao in chinese:
Liu Bao's favorite fruit is the banana
Liu Bao wants to go to Argentina
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Nouara | 努瓦拉 |
Liceth Brigitte | 莉丝·布丽吉特 |
Zilu | 子路 |
Saludable | 值得称赞的 |
Huong | 黄 |
Carmelo | 卡梅洛 |
Clarysse | 克拉丽丝 |
Tamzen | 谭赞 |
Daleska | 达莱斯卡 |
Ashtyn | 阿什廷 |