Your name in chinese Lodovica

How is Lodovica written in chinese?

Lodovica in simplified chinese:


Lodovica in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Lodovica in chinese?

Lodovica transcribed to pinyin:

luò duō wéi chá

Pronunciation of Lodovica in chinese:

Picture of the name Lodovica in chinese:

The name Lodovica in chinese characters

Meaning of Lodovica characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
river in Shanxi province; city
much, many; more than, over
maintain, preserve, safeguard
examine, investigate; notice

Example sentences that contain Lodovica in chinese:

Lodovica's friend has three televisions


luòduōwéichá de péngyǒu yǒu sān tái diànshì

Lodovica has given three televisions a Mazen


luòduōwéichá gěi mǎzēng sòngle sān tái diànshì

Lodovica now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Dayron Javier 戴伦·哈维尔
Meziane 梅齐安
Alaves 阿拉维斯
Bara 巴拉
Conners 康纳斯
Adruce 阿德鲁斯
Fitrisya 菲特里夏
Irvyn 欧文
Zakiya 咲也
Jenice 珍妮丝

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