Your name in chinese Logane

How is Logane written in chinese?

Logane in simplified chinese:


Logane in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Logane in chinese?

Logane transcribed to pinyin:

luò gēn

Pronunciation of Logane in chinese:

Picture of the name Logane in chinese:

The name Logane in chinese characters

Meaning of Logane characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
river in Shanxi province; city
root, base(d on); foundation

Example sentences that contain Logane in chinese:

Logane has given four books a Mila Xoana


luògēn gěi mǐlā·xiāoānà sòngle sì běn shū

Logane's friend has four books


luògēn de péngyǒu yǒu sì běn shū

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

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Llavanya 拉瓦尼亚
Ashlei 阿什莱
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Darlenny 达伦尼
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Adriel 阿德里尔

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