Your name in chinese Lolis
How is Lolis written in chinese?
Lolis in simplified chinese:
Lolis in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Lolis in chinese?
Lolis transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Lolis in chinese:
Picture of the name Lolis in chinese:

Meaning of Lolis characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
萝 | type of creeping plant; turnip |
莉 | white jasmine |
Example sentences that contain Lolis in chinese:
Lolis's favorite fruit is the watermelon
Lolis wants to go to Peru
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Phoenix | 凤凰 |
Jacob Isaiah | 雅各以赛亚 |
Dama | 大妈 |
Yudali | 玉大理 |
Kimberlyn | 金伯林 |
Nikolaus | 尼古拉斯 |
Liseth | 丽丝 |
Anis | 阿尼斯 |
Sofya | 索菲亚 |
Fatiha | 法蒂哈 |