Your name in chinese Lorcan

How is Lorcan written in chinese?

Lorcan in simplified chinese:


Lorcan in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Lorcan in chinese?

Lorcan transcribed to pinyin:

luò kǎn

Pronunciation of Lorcan in chinese:

Picture of the name Lorcan in chinese:

The name Lorcan in chinese characters

Meaning of Lorcan characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
river in Shanxi province; city
pit, hole; snare, trap; crisis

Example sentences that contain Lorcan in chinese:

Lorcan's favorite color is blue


luòkǎn zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì lánsè

Lorcan has given six books a Picard


luòkǎn gěi píqiǎdé sòngle liù běn shū

Lorcan now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Elsie 艾西
Wasmosy 瓦斯莫西
Evelin 伊夫林
Erina 艾琳娜
Anthea 安西娅
Ferguson 弗格森
Lunia 卢尼亚
Regalo 雷加洛
Irati 伊拉蒂
Bairo 拜罗

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