Your name in chinese Loveing
How is Loveing written in chinese?
Loveing in simplified chinese:
Loveing in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Loveing in chinese?
Loveing transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Loveing in chinese:
Picture of the name Loveing in chinese:

Meaning of Loveing characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
爱 | love, be fond of, like |
Example sentences that contain Loveing in chinese:
Loveing and Roos are very good friends
Loveing's favorite fruit is the pineapple
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Irfan Izzuddin | 伊尔凡·伊祖丁 |
Briyit | 布里伊特 |
Mariia | 玛利亚 |
Elli | 埃利 |
Anisse | 阿妮丝 |
Dulce Darinka | 杜尔塞·达林卡 |
Larisa | 笑声 |
Marcelline | 玛瑟琳 |
Matheus | 马修斯 |
Abygaelle | 阿比盖尔 |