Your name in chinese Lulwa

How is Lulwa written in chinese?

Lulwa in simplified chinese:


Lulwa in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Lulwa in chinese?

Lulwa transcribed to pinyin:

lú wǎ

Pronunciation of Lulwa in chinese:

Picture of the name Lulwa in chinese:

The name Lulwa in chinese characters

Meaning of Lulwa characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
cottage, hut; surname; black
tile; earthenware pottery; girl

Example sentences that contain Lulwa in chinese:

Lulwa wants to go to France


lúwǎ xiǎng qù fàguó

Lulwa's friend has nine motorcycles


lúwǎ de péngyǒu yǒu jiǔ liàng mótuōchē

Lulwa now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Lillian 莉莲
Misqha 米沙
Aleny 阿莱尼
Floran 弗洛兰
Lisette 利塞特
Taraji 塔拉吉
Aketza 阿克查
Evelin 伊夫林
Chrysler 克莱斯勒
Rocio Carmen 罗西奥·卡门

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