Your name in chinese Magenta
How is Magenta written in chinese?
Magenta in simplified chinese:
Magenta in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Magenta in chinese?
Magenta transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Magenta in chinese:
Picture of the name Magenta in chinese:

Meaning of Magenta characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
品 | article, product, commodity |
红 | red, vermillion; blush, flush |
Example sentences that contain Magenta in chinese:
Magenta's favorite fruit is the orange
Magenta's favorite color is red
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Mila Arana | 米拉阿拉纳 |
Bolden | 博尔登 |
Meruni | 梅鲁尼 |
Pinyin | 拼音 |
Peraza | 佩拉萨 |
Aubrie | 奥布里 |
Ylana | 伊拉娜 |
Tracy | 特蕾西 |
Kavi | 卡维 |
Gerardina | 杰拉尔迪纳 |