Your name in chinese Mai Ling
How is Mai Ling written in chinese?
Mai Ling in simplified chinese:
Mai Ling in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Mai Ling in chinese?
Mai Ling transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Mai Ling in chinese:
Picture of the name Mai Ling in chinese:

Meaning of Mai Ling characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
麦 | wheat, barley, oats; simplified form of KangXi radical number 199 |
玲 | tinkling of jade |
Example sentences that contain Mai Ling in chinese:
Mai Ling's friend has three watches
Mai Ling's favorite fruit is the orange
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Pizarro | 皮萨罗 |
Diego Garcia | 迭戈加西亚 |
Anicet | 阿尼塞特 |
Victor Villalobos | 维克多·维拉洛沃斯 |
Kendall | 肯德尔 |
Syawal | 赛瓦尔 |
Shuhua | 书华 |
Ladina | 拉迪娜 |
Antonio Jose | 安东尼奥·何塞 |
Garro | 加罗 |