Your name in chinese Majin Buu

How is Majin Buu written in chinese?

Majin Buu in simplified chinese:


Majin Buu in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Majin Buu in chinese?

Majin Buu transcribed to pinyin:

mó rén bù ōu

Pronunciation of Majin Buu in chinese:

Picture of the name Majin Buu in chinese:

The name Majin Buu in chinese characters

Meaning of Majin Buu characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
demon, evil spirits; magic power
man; people; mankind; someone else
cotton cloth, textiles, linen
translit.: Europe; ohm; surname

Example sentences that contain Majin Buu in chinese:

Majin Buu wants to go to Russia


mórénbùōu xiǎng qù éguó

Majin Buu and Fuck Off are very good friends


mórénbùōu hé gǔndàn shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Fei Fei 飞飞
Estoy Aburrida 埃斯托伊阿布里达
Meilee 美利
Carlos Maria 卡洛斯·玛丽亚
Maxx 马克思
Lohan 罗汉
Blessing 祝福
Iosua 约苏阿
Caraway 香芹籽
Vikku 维库

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