Your name in chinese Male

How is Male written in chinese?

Male in simplified chinese:


Male in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Male in chinese?

Male transcribed to pinyin:

nán xìng

Pronunciation of Male in chinese:

Picture of the name Male in chinese:

The name Male in chinese characters

Meaning of Male characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
male, man; son; baron; surname
nature, character, sex

Example sentences that contain Male in chinese:

Male and Annedith are very good friends


nánxìng hé ānnīdísī shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Male has given seven houses a Annedith


nánxìng gěi ānnīdísī sòngle qī jiān fángzi

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Liliam 百合
Lovely Joy 可爱的喜悦
Laonne 洛讷
Journee 乔妮
Kione 基尼
Tortosa 托尔托萨
Mileina 米莱娜
Dolor 多洛尔
Mee Phin 米粉
Ahiezer 阿希泽

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