Your name in chinese Mapo

How is Mapo written in chinese?

Mapo in simplified chinese:


Mapo in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Mapo in chinese?

Mapo transcribed to pinyin:

má pó

Pronunciation of Mapo in chinese:

Picture of the name Mapo in chinese:

The name Mapo in chinese characters

Meaning of Mapo characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
hemp, jute, flax; sesame
old woman; grandmother

Example sentences that contain Mapo in chinese:

Mapo has given six watches a Maria Neus


mápó gěi mǎlìyà·nuòyīsī sòngle liù ge shǒubiǎo

Mapo and Maria Neus are very good friends


mápó hé mǎlìyà·nuòyīsī shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Mapo now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Nikitha 尼基莎
Karisa 卡里萨
Vauquelin 沃克兰
Emerald 祖母绿
Keltoum 凯尔图姆
Kawa 卡瓦
Akira Toriyama 鸟山明
Auna 奥娜
Yaline 雅琳
Luisina 路易西娜

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