Your name in chinese Marcellin

How is Marcellin written in chinese?

Marcellin in simplified chinese:


Marcellin in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Marcellin in chinese?

Marcellin transcribed to pinyin:

mǎ sāi lín

Pronunciation of Marcellin in chinese:

Picture of the name Marcellin in chinese:

The name Marcellin in chinese characters

Meaning of Marcellin characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
horse; surname; KangXi radical 187
stop up, block, seal, cork; pass, frontier; fortress
forest, grove; surname

Example sentences that contain Marcellin in chinese:

Marcellin wants to go to Peru


mǎsāilín xiǎng qù bìlǔ

Marcellin has given nine dogs a Lason


mǎsāilín gěi lāsēn sòngle jiǔ zhī gǒu

Marcellin now also in japanese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Marcellin in japanese!

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Tyllia 蒂莉亚
Maria Señor 玛丽亚·洛德
Maos 毛斯
Roisana 罗伊萨纳
Neus 诺伊斯
Meritxell 梅里特谢尔
Arhan 阿尔汉
Gaetan 盖坦
Merced 默塞德
Nihad 尼哈德

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