Your name in chinese Maria Begoña

How is Maria Begoña written in chinese?

Maria Begoña in simplified chinese:


Maria Begoña in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Maria Begoña in chinese?

Maria Begoña transcribed to pinyin:

mǎ lì yà · bèi gē ní yà

Pronunciation of Maria Begoña in chinese:

Picture of the name Maria Begoña in chinese:

The name Maria Begoña in chinese characters

Meaning of Maria Begoña characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
agate; cornelian
beautiful, magnificent, elegant
Asia; second
· Meaning not available
sea shell; money, currency
halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62
Buddhist nun; transliteration
Asia; second

Example sentences that contain Maria Begoña in chinese:

Maria Begoña's favorite color is blue


mǎlìyà·bèigēníyà zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì lánsè

Maria Begoña wants to go to Chile


mǎlìyà·bèigēníyà xiǎng qù zhìlì

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
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Josette 约瑟特
Ikson 伊克森
Louisa 路易莎
Ete Sech 埃特塞克

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