Your name in chinese Mariaelena
How is Mariaelena written in chinese?
Mariaelena in simplified chinese:
Mariaelena in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Mariaelena in chinese?
Mariaelena transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Mariaelena in chinese:
Picture of the name Mariaelena in chinese:

Meaning of Mariaelena characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
玛 | agate; cornelian |
丽 | beautiful, magnificent, elegant |
埃 | fine dust, dirt |
莱 | goosefoot, weed; fallow field |
娜 | elegant, graceful, delicate |
Example sentences that contain Mariaelena in chinese:
Mariaelena's friend has three cars
Mariaelena has given three cars a Mancha
Mariaelena now also in japanese
Now you can also see and hear how to say Mariaelena in japanese!

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Lily Stensson | 莉莉·斯滕森 |
Ailany | 艾兰尼 |
Ahtziri | 阿赫兹里 |
Keng | 铿 |
Little Blue | 小蓝 |
Corto | 短 |
Adael | 阿德尔 |
Simao | 思茅 |
Audrey | 奥黛丽 |
Lilia Bravo | 莉莉娅布拉沃 |