Your name in chinese Marieta

How is Marieta written in chinese?

Marieta in simplified chinese:


Marieta in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Marieta in chinese?

Marieta transcribed to pinyin:

mǎ lì āi tǎ

Pronunciation of Marieta in chinese:

Picture of the name Marieta in chinese:

The name Marieta in chinese characters

Meaning of Marieta characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
agate; cornelian
beautiful, magnificent, elegant
fine dust, dirt
tower, spire, tall building

Example sentences that contain Marieta in chinese:

Marieta's friend has eight watches


mǎlìāitǎ de péngyǒu yǒu bā ge shǒubiǎo

Marieta's favorite color is green


mǎlìāitǎ zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì lǜsè

Marieta now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Callista 卡莉斯塔
Edwige 埃德维格
Nahia 纳希亚
Shahm 沙姆
Shae 雪伊
Aizaz 艾扎兹
Devin Bennion 德文·本尼恩
Borders 边框
Maria Magdalena 玛利亚·玛格达琳娜
Scarleth 斯嘉丽丝

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