Your name in chinese Mbimou

How is Mbimou written in chinese?

Mbimou in simplified chinese:


Mbimou in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Mbimou in chinese?

Mbimou transcribed to pinyin:

mǔ bǐ mù

Pronunciation of Mbimou in chinese:

Picture of the name Mbimou in chinese:

The name Mbimou in chinese characters

Meaning of Mbimou characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
nurse, babysitter
to compare, liken; comparison; than
majestic, solemn, reverent; calm

Example sentences that contain Mbimou in chinese:

Mbimou's friend has four cars


mǔbǐmù de péngyǒu yǒu sì liàng chē

Mbimou is studying spanish


mǔbǐmù zhèngzài xuéxí xībānyáyǔ

Mbimou now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Vilcazan 维尔卡赞
Angelo 安杰洛
Cesareo 剖腹产
Casimir 卡西米尔
Al Hakim 哈基姆
Isiah 伊西亚
Oihana 哦以阿那
Milen 米伦
Ethel 埃塞尔
Tramel 特拉梅尔

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