Your name in chinese Megan Hazel
How is Megan Hazel written in chinese?
Megan Hazel in simplified chinese:
Megan Hazel in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Megan Hazel in chinese?
Megan Hazel transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Megan Hazel in chinese:
Picture of the name Megan Hazel in chinese:

Meaning of Megan Hazel characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
梅 | plums; prunes; surname |
根 | root, base(d on); foundation |
黑 | black; dark; evil, sinister |
兹 | now, here; this; time, year |
尔 | you; that, those; final particle |
Example sentences that contain Megan Hazel in chinese:
Megan Hazel and Boy are very good friends
Megan Hazel is studying chinese
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Pikachu | 皮卡丘 |
Kushi | 栉 |
Lailah Orgin | 莱拉·奥尔金 |
Bennet | 班纳特 |
Kacy | 凯西 |
Cyrielle | 西丽尔 |
Alexie | 亚历克西 |
Shadya | 沙迪亚 |
Jesus Andres | 耶稣安德烈斯 |
Guillermo Jose | 吉列尔莫·何塞 |