Your name in chinese Mei Ik
How is Mei Ik written in chinese?
Mei Ik in simplified chinese:
Mei Ik in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Mei Ik in chinese?
Mei Ik transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Mei Ik in chinese:
Picture of the name Mei Ik in chinese:

Meaning of Mei Ik characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
美 | beautiful, pretty; pleasing |
益 | profit, benefit; advantage |
Example sentences that contain Mei Ik in chinese:
Mei Ik is studying spanish
Mei Ik's favorite color is red
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Mahault | 马豪 |
Henriette | 亨丽埃特 |
Agusti | 奥古斯蒂 |
Calum | 卡鲁姆 |
Keeran | 基兰 |
Ahlam | 阿兰 |
John Labauve | 约翰·拉博夫 |
Alex Ovechkin | 亚历克斯·奥维奇金 |
Torralba | 托拉尔巴 |
Ronald Kristianto | 罗纳德克里斯蒂安托 |