Your name in chinese Mei Ik

How is Mei Ik written in chinese?

Mei Ik in simplified chinese:


Mei Ik in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Mei Ik in chinese?

Mei Ik transcribed to pinyin:

měi yì

Pronunciation of Mei Ik in chinese:

Picture of the name Mei Ik in chinese:

The name Mei Ik in chinese characters

Meaning of Mei Ik characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
beautiful, pretty; pleasing
profit, benefit; advantage

Example sentences that contain Mei Ik in chinese:

Mei Ik's favorite color is green


měiyì zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì lǜsè

Mei Ik's favorite fruit is the apple


měiyì zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì píngguǒ

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Milou 米露
Maria Auxiliadora 玛丽的基督徒帮助
Crilo 克里洛
Emma Romina 艾玛·罗米娜
Alazne 阿拉兹呢
Loryne 洛琳
Achille 阿喀琉斯
Mbimou 姆比穆
Slavey 奴隶
Jaspreet Kaur 贾斯普雷特考尔

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