Your name in chinese Mei Mei
How is Mei Mei written in chinese?
Mei Mei in simplified chinese:
Mei Mei in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Mei Mei in chinese?
Mei Mei transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Mei Mei in chinese:
Picture of the name Mei Mei in chinese:

Meaning of Mei Mei characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
美 | beautiful, pretty; pleasing |
美 | beautiful, pretty; pleasing |
Example sentences that contain Mei Mei in chinese:
Mei Mei's friend has eight dogs
Mei Mei's favorite fruit is the strawberry
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Kimora | 基莫拉 |
Redouan Meziani | 雷杜安·梅齐亚尼 |
Gwenael | 格温尼尔 |
Annalyn | 安娜琳 |
Happy | 快乐的 |
Maria Juncal | 玛丽亚·琼卡尔 |
Atlanta | 亚特兰大 |
Eizan | 睿山 |
Hilser | 希尔瑟 |
Cranel | 克雷尔 |