Your name in chinese Meiling Wong

How is Meiling Wong written in chinese?

Meiling Wong in simplified chinese:


Meiling Wong in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Meiling Wong in chinese?

Meiling Wong transcribed to pinyin:

huáng měi líng

Pronunciation of Meiling Wong in chinese:

Picture of the name Meiling Wong in chinese:

The name Meiling Wong in chinese characters

Meaning of Meiling Wong characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
yellow; surname
beautiful, pretty; pleasing
tinkling of jade

Example sentences that contain Meiling Wong in chinese:

Meiling Wong's favorite color is yellow


huángměilíng zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì huángsè

Meiling Wong wants to go to Peru


huángměilíng xiǎng qù bìlǔ

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Peter 彼得
Yael Y Ana 耶尔·安娜
Mahkaila 玛凯拉
Carmen Teresa 卡门·特蕾莎
Wilfried 威尔弗里德
Jean Carlo 让·卡罗
Nadia Miriam 娜迪亚·米里亚姆
Dusica 杜西卡
Ming Yue 明月
Shotpoo 鲶鱼

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