Your name in chinese Meiling Wong
How is Meiling Wong written in chinese?
Meiling Wong in simplified chinese:
Meiling Wong in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Meiling Wong in chinese?
Meiling Wong transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Meiling Wong in chinese:
Picture of the name Meiling Wong in chinese:

Meaning of Meiling Wong characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
黄 | yellow; surname |
美 | beautiful, pretty; pleasing |
玲 | tinkling of jade |
Example sentences that contain Meiling Wong in chinese:
Meiling Wong's favorite color is yellow
Meiling Wong wants to go to Peru
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Peter | 彼得 |
Yael Y Ana | 耶尔·安娜 |
Mahkaila | 玛凯拉 |
Carmen Teresa | 卡门·特蕾莎 |
Wilfried | 威尔弗里德 |
Jean Carlo | 让·卡罗 |
Nadia Miriam | 娜迪亚·米里亚姆 |
Dusica | 杜西卡 |
Ming Yue | 明月 |
Shotpoo | 鲶鱼 |