Your name in chinese Meirong

How is Meirong written in chinese?

Meirong in simplified chinese:


Meirong in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Meirong in chinese?

Meirong transcribed to pinyin:

měi róng

Pronunciation of Meirong in chinese:

Picture of the name Meirong in chinese:

The name Meirong in chinese characters

Meaning of Meirong characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
beautiful, pretty; pleasing
hibiscus; Chengdu, Sichuan

Example sentences that contain Meirong in chinese:

Meirong is studying japanese


měiróng zhèngzài xuéxí rìyǔ

Meirong's favorite color is white


měiróng zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì báisè

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Emory 埃默里
Hipolita 沙棘
Jia Yuan 嘉源
Rouxin 柔心
Aixa 艾克斯
Miza 米萨
Arisha 阿里沙
Liberato 解放者
Gallo 加洛
Emie 艾美

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