Your name in chinese Meirong
How is Meirong written in chinese?
Meirong in simplified chinese:
Meirong in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Meirong in chinese?
Meirong transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Meirong in chinese:
Picture of the name Meirong in chinese:

Meaning of Meirong characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
美 | beautiful, pretty; pleasing |
蓉 | hibiscus; Chengdu, Sichuan |
Example sentences that contain Meirong in chinese:
Meirong is studying japanese
Meirong's favorite color is white
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Emory | 埃默里 |
Hipolita | 沙棘 |
Jia Yuan | 嘉源 |
Rouxin | 柔心 |
Aixa | 艾克斯 |
Miza | 米萨 |
Arisha | 阿里沙 |
Liberato | 解放者 |
Gallo | 加洛 |
Emie | 艾美 |