Your name in chinese Meno

How is Meno written in chinese?

Meno in simplified chinese:


Meno in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Meno in chinese?

Meno transcribed to pinyin:

měi nuò

Pronunciation of Meno in chinese:

Picture of the name Meno in chinese:

The name Meno in chinese characters

Meaning of Meno characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
beautiful, pretty; pleasing
promise; assent, approve

Example sentences that contain Meno in chinese:

Meno has given six motorcycles a Mingli


měinuò gěi mínglì sòngle liù liàng mótuōchē

Meno and Mingli are very good friends


měinuò hé mínglì shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Seav 西夫
Meriam 梅里亚姆
Eduwigis 埃杜维吉斯
Jaidyn 杰伊丁
Hin Ken 欣肯
Isolina 等值线
Yoranda 约兰达
Emily Denisse 艾米莉丹尼斯
Cheyanne 夏安
San Goku 三悟空

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