Your name in chinese Mi Papi
How is Mi Papi written in chinese?
Mi Papi in simplified chinese:
Mi Papi in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Mi Papi in chinese?
Mi Papi transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Mi Papi in chinese:
Picture of the name Mi Papi in chinese:

Meaning of Mi Papi characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
我 | our, us, i, me, my, we |
爸 | father, papa |
爸 | father, papa |
Example sentences that contain Mi Papi in chinese:
Mi Papi's favorite fruit is the strawberry
Mi Papi and Abey are very good friends
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Furoncle | 疖肿 |
My Show | 我的节目 |
Elize | 伊莉丝 |
Marisol | 马里索尔 |
Palmira | 巴尔米拉 |
Isabela | 伊莎贝拉 |
Guatemala | 危地马拉 |
Pagan | 异教徒 |
Larry | 拉里 |
Yulieth | 尤利思 |